A very dear friend, Kym, introduced me to Reiki. After a session with her I felt wonderful. I intuitively knew that Reiki was a part of my calling. In 2003 I studied with Reiki Master Marlene Knappman. I received my first, second and third level Reiki attunements. I am a Reiki Master Practitioner.
In my spiritual journey I also had the privilege to study several internships under the direction of Virginia O'Hara. It was an honor to have her as my teacher in my channeling studies.
In April of 2008 I studied Integrated Energy Therapy IET with Sharon Sullivan. I am attuned to the Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced levels of IET.
In January 2011 I completed The Healing Angels of the Energy Field class with IET Master Instructor Sharon Sullivan.
In October 2011, I became a Magnified Healing Master Teacher.
In 2015, I was attuned to Angel Healing® Level 1.